Tuesday 31 March 2015

Time really flies...

It so happens that it is a full year since I managed to blog anything on here... Time really flies. Must make more of an effort to actually write on here.

Monday 31 March 2014

Time flies

So I just realised that I have totally neglected to post since I started this blog. Life got busy I guess. Normal busy though which has been nice. I'm going to make more of an effort to start posting, so watch this space...

Friday 20 September 2013

Christchurch, New Zealand

After several years living in Auckland, and a couple more overseas, I am once again a resident of my hometown, Christchurch, New Zealand.

The city, and probably I, have undergone a metamorphosis since I last lived here in 2006.  An earthquake (or more accurately a series of earthquakes) has changed the city beyond recognition.  Yet, I was drawn back here, ready to make my mark on a city I love and cherish.

The last time that I lived here I was a fresh faced and bushy tailed graduate, in my final year of university.  Not entirely sure what the world had in store for me, I was nevertheless ready to take it on.

Close to 7 years later I'm not quite as fresh faced, nor as bushy tailed, but still filled with a deep sense of optimism and hope for this city and my life.

I have blogged a little in the past, and have enjoyed the experience.  I can't promise what this blog will be about, or entail.  I'm currently living alone, the first time I have, and I intend to treat this blog as the flatmate or person one would normally share stories with at the end of the day.

Happy reading.